Proud of Moose; now is time to lend a hand | Letters

It is amazing to me how many people around the Enumclaw and Bonney Lake area are hard-working, generous and kindhearted. I am especially proud of the Loyal Order of the Moose in Enumclaw.

It is amazing to me how many people around the Enumclaw and Bonney Lake area are hard-working, generous and kindhearted. I am especially proud of the Loyal Order of the Moose in Enumclaw.

During the past couple of years it has certainly been difficult for families, small business and such to keep their heads above water financially. Nonprofit organizations such as the Moose have really struggled to keep their doors open and help many through their charitable events. They offer the community an inexpensive location to hold funerals, weddings, etc., as well as provide meals to elderly and veterans, all done with faithful volunteers.

So it was a sad day when the shed/storage building was broken into and yard equipment and tools were stolen. The stealing has not stopped and now someone decided they needed the new heat pump which, of course, provides heat in winter and air conditioning in the hot summer months. If the perp wanted the heat pump for scrap metal I wish they would have done the Moose a favor and taken the broken down, old pump instead.

Any help through donations or volunteering would be greatly appreciated so this wonderful organization can continue to assist Enumclaw and the surrounding areas. And to the scumbags who vandalize and steal, shame on you.

Maggie Bolduc
