Be king to your community, your environment, and yourself

Let’s do some beautification out at Boise Creek.

Is kindness important to you? Do you want to become a kinder person? A quick way to a happier moment is to be kind, without expectation of rewards. By doing something good for others, endorphins create a “helpers high,” and a happier you.

That’s why SoHaPP’s fourth habit for becoming happier is kindness, and February’s workshop will focus on the environment — covering invasive plants and replacing them with native plants along Boise Creek.

The community event is on Feb. 2 where Warner Avenue meets the Foothills Trail. For 90 minutes of effort (and of course, you can stop at any time), starting at either 10 a.m. or 2 p.m., be kind to the fish of Boise Creek and the surrounding flora and fauna. The city of Enumclaw has chopped down the blackberries, and we need to cover them over. Bring a garden fork to help spread arbor chips. Then we will be planting native trees, and would love your help. Bring a shovel and become a Friend of Boise Creek. We’ll have extra tools for participants.

This will not only be a benefit to the fish; you’ll be doing the community a favor as well by beautifying the trail. But really, you’ll be doing it for you. Be a role model for your children. In fact, bring your children. Teach them kindness, and make a point this month for everyone in your family to do at least one extra kind thing for someone else every day for 30 days. You’ll find you’ll be a kinder person in no time.

Kindness can be planned or spontaneous, and we could all use more of it. Society as a whole certainly benefits. Habits for Happiness – SoHaPP is an initiative building healthy behaviors in our community. It is a five month effort starting in November, promoting five specific characteristics for mental well being. For building kindness, selflessly help others. Take advantage of every altruistic situation you find. In time, the rewards will come.

Additionally, SoHaPP is hosting a conversation on “An Invisible Thread,” by Schroff & Tresniowski from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Feb. 13 in the Enumclaw Library. It’s a true story of an 11-year-old panhandler, a busy sales executive, and an unlikely meeting with destiny. Come explore the power of kindness.

The Sequel has it on sale for 25 percent off.

SoHaPP (Science of Happiness and Positive Psychology) encourages being Grateful, Positive, Mindful, Kind and Active. By intentionally focusing on just one habit for 30 days, you will strengthen that characteristic within your-self. Over time, you will discover improved mental wellness and an increased level of happiness. Go to for the science supporting this mental wellness. Make contact and join our effort. We’d appreciate the support.

Also, please join us in the evening on March 29 at The Claw for a year-end evening of fun and reflection.


March 2 – Fun Games for Kids having Vigorous Movement (at various Enumclaw City Parks; details will be listed later in our web site).

March 13 – Book read 6:30 p.m. at Enumclaw Library of “Keep Moving” by Dick Van Dyke.

March 29 at The Claw – Year end celebration for all.
