White River Families First Coalition meeting on Sept. 28

The next White River Families First Coalition meeting is on Monday, Sept. 28th at 3:30 pm at the Buckley Fire Station, located at 611 S. Division St in Buckley. This week's guest speaker will be Trip Hart from LINCCK Civility, Compassion, Kindness task force who will share information about the SoHaPP Initiative, the Science of Happiness and Positive Psychology, that is being implemented in schools and the entire community.

The next White River Families First Coalition meeting is on Monday, Sept. 28th at 3:30 pm at the Buckley Fire Station, located at 611 S. Division St in Buckley.

This week’s guest speaker will be Trip Hart from LINCCK Civility, Compassion, Kindness task force who will share information about the SoHaPP Initiative, the Science of Happiness and Positive Psychology, that is being implemented in schools and the entire community.  The hope is for long lasting change towards improving mental well-being through basic concepts and improve the quality of life for the entire community.

Additionally, Byron Cregeur from Washington Masonic Charities will be present to talk about the expansion of their outreach to serve elderly, disabled and those in need and Liz Athey from the Pierce County Library will provide information about the GET HIRED technology classes at the Buckley Library for the un- and under-employed.

There is time in the agenda for everyone to share about their organization’s services, upcoming activities and events.  Please bring flyers and brochures if you have them.  Light refreshments will be served.