Letters to the Editor

When you visit Mount Rainier this summer, be aware of the people around you – as it’s going to get dangerous to visit the park.

When you visit Mount Rainier this summer, be aware of the people around you – as it’s going to get dangerous to visit the park.

The NRA (No Reasoning Association), in conjunction with their Repugnican lackeys, have just made it legal – with some (impractical) caveats – to bring guns into the national parks.

As there already are guns brought illegally into the national parks, (by, of course, bad guys only ) it seems a bit irrational to add more guns to the mix.

But that is what is being done.

So if you note an angry red-faced idiot arguing about anything do not offer to help. Leave.

When running into another backpacker in the back country, do not stop and say hello. In a campground try to put your tent behind your car, or behind a tree.

I would suggest you leave your kids at home, as the mountain is now too dangerous for them – you don’t want them being “protected” by gun nuts – and thereby either being hurt or watching you get hurt.

I bring this up as my wife and I spent several summers at a fire lookout in the national forest, where guns and hunting are allowed, so got to deal with guns, hunters and drunk hunters – not a pleasant situation.

Two of my stepsons, together with me, were shot over – and those bees do not sound friendly.

Several times up there we began the season by replacing the shot-out windows of the lookout. I once had a couple of idiots who showed up with rifles or shotguns – I can’t tell the difference – they’re both machines designed for killing – the idiots began shouldering through a crowd of people visiting the mountaintop.

I immediately confronted them, asked what they were doing, was told hunting, I replied not here not today – look around you, who are you gonna bag? Very angrily they left – because they couldn’t shoot anyone? And we want to add this type of action to Mount Rainier?

Of course, there’s no hunting in the national parks – wink wink, nudge – but how long will it be before the reports begin coming in – “Gee I thought it was a T Rex so I shot it,” “I’m sorry I shot your car, etc., etc., etc.” “

That bear was determined to get me but I got it first” – that “bear” was running away, you didn’t notice the bear’s rear had no teeth?

And looked way more like a porcupine?

Thank you NRA and Repugnicans. So very much.

Dan Scribner
