All would benefit if we followed the Golden Rule

I appreciate Mr. Benson’s thoughtful and courteous response to my recent article.

I appreciate Mr. Benson’s thoughtful and courteous response to my recent article.

I do wish to clarify two points he raised: first, that my statement (“…I think it matters that all of us who claim the name of Christ should genuinely care for the people around us”) does not mean that nonChristians do not care, as such is patently not the case. My intent was to stimulate more diligent and intentional charity from Christians because we should live up to the ideals we believe. Mr. Benson’s citation of religious failures to do just that supports my point. I regret the nuances were not clear. Second clarification, I would like to wholeheartedly endorse Mr. Benson’s application of the Golden Rule, though I must point out that it is found in the Bible (Matthew 7:12) and does represent the very point I was making!

And Mr. Benson is also correct that if every one of us lived up to this principle the world would be a very different and better place.

Bruce Thweatt
