Anti-mask mandates, racial bigotry borders on insanity

The silent majority needs to make their voices heard.

We have recently seen what a very vocal minority in our own community can do to embarrass us in a public arena and try to pose as the majority. It is representative of what happens when a silent majority of adults acquiesce to a bigoted minority. The fact that the majority of our community is not showing up and being present allows a few individuals to rule over the wisdom of our better angels. Our government isn’t trying to step on our civil rights by requiring we mask up. We aren’t requiring everyone to take the jab at least twice, although we should. Our leaders are trying to protect us from ourselves, our foolishness to allow a virus destroy us individually.

The verbal sin by a couple of individuals using the “N” word tars all of us with their ugliness. I for one wish there was a way to wash away this attitude, but the only way to fight against it is for good people to speak up and be counted. My wife and I are standing up and willing to be counted. We are condemning the ugliness, the racial bigotry, as well as the ill thought-out prejudice against COVID virus protections we see in our community. Both of us are at an age and stages in health when an infection could very likely end in our death. We cannot abide by this minority view. For us, it borders on insanity just as bigotry and racial prejudice does.

Eugene Clegg & G. S. Johnson
