Blame for rate hike goes to administration

This is in response to Chrissy Marlow’s letter dated Sept. 7.

The city council was put in the unfortunate position of having to apply a tourniquet (raised sewer rates) to stop the bleeding (the huge cost overruns of our new sewer plant). Any blame should be laid at the doorstep of our city administration which should have been monitoring the costs. To use the various and sundry excuses for the nearly $10 million overrun is simply fancy footwork to skirt the issue of mismanagement. And to use the excuse they were planning on X number of new hookups to help offset some of the costs is plain ludicrous.

I agree with Chrissy when she stated what should be obvious, “Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched.” If we ran our personal budgets like the city administration is running theirs/ours, we would be in bankruptcy court in no time with no one to bail us out. Think about it!

Nancy Wieland
