We are always told that the police force wants us to step up and call 911 when we see someone harming another or breaking the law in some way.
Saturday, January 22, 2011, I did just that. While getting my hair done, myself and four other ladies witnessed a woman grab her son, who must be 3 or 4 years old, by his arm and swing him hard enough at her van that we heard his head hit the vehicle. We gave 911 the license plate number and make and model of the van.
When the officer came the lady had already driven off. The officer did come into the beauty shop and ask a few questions. We told the officer which direction she went down 410. I have never seen someone with a more I-don’t-care attitude than that man. With a big smirk on his face he told us that he would go down 410 and see if he could find her.
I was made to feel like he thought that we were just a bunch of ladies crying wolf. We we were trying to stick up for a little boy who was being verbally and physically abused.
I used to be very proud of my small town Buckley police department. I just have two comments to this officer: I have only called 911 twice in my life, once to report a car accident that I witnessed and this time; and secondly, I do hope that not all of our officers have your same attitude about the welfare of small children.
Bertha Simpson