Columnist insulted all who re-elected senator | Letter to the Editor

Sometimes I wonder if The Courier-Herald editor hires a liberal like Elfers to write stuff just to get others to write stuff back, to counter the liberal stuff that most of us in the rural areas of America totally disagree with.

Sometimes I wonder if The Courier-Herald editor hires a liberal like Elfers to write stuff just to get others to write stuff back, to counter the liberal stuff that most of us in the rural areas of America totally disagree with.

Rich Elfers’ column on Nov. 12,  with regards to Pam Roach winning another term, stated “many voters have short memories or they don’t care, or many of the voters may never have been aware of the allegations.”

“None of these opinions is pleasant to think about, nor does it say much in favor of our democratic electoral system.”

Another elitist Jonathan Grouber, Obama’s author ofObama Care, informed us in those newly-released videos (that the lamestream media is afraid to show because it proves they are biased) that the voters are stupid and we have to lie to them about Obama Care so they will like it. The fact is, the truth will kill Obama Care and he and everyone else knows it. Even Nancy Pelosi showed us how bad it was with her famously stupid quote, ”we need to pass this so we can see what’s in it.”

Obama, Grouber and all the rest lied about Obama Care. If the statement “you can keep your insurance if you like it” was true, why was my company dropped by my insurance company because of Obama Care? Replacing it cost my company $2,300 more per family.

The stupid voters Grouber must have been referring to was 100 percent of the Senate and House Dumocrats. All Republicans in the House and Senate were smart enough not to vote for Obama Care.

Jonathan Grouber  called the American voters ”stupid.” Mr. Elfers, in my opinion, called the voters that chose Pam Roach “stupid.” Sorry Mr. Elfers, you got it rear forward. Pam Roach won this election because she actually had words printed in her mailer. Pam Roach actually had information about her past work as a senator and future work. Her opponent palled up with the Democrat legislator in our district, received a bunch of money from that Democrat and his family members and put out ads together with a photo of the two with nothing more than “Endorsed by the Seattle Times and the Tacoma News Tribune.” No plans for the future. No content. No information. Nothing for the voters to think about.

No Mr. Elfers, I do believe you got it bass ackwards. The voters did make a smart and informed choice by keeping Pam Roach. The voters chose a senator that has worked very hard for those in the district and actually goes to the multitude of local issue meetings that happen around here and Cathy Dahlquist and Christopher Hurst do not. And how Mr. Hurst still wins in a conservative district is beyond my pay grade. Phil Fortunato is a lot more in tune with this district and would have made a great legislator, but maybe next time.

Did I just swallow a baited hook…again?

Ted DeVol
