Columnist opened world not usually accessible to all

Thanks to Wally DuChateau (Courier-Herald, June 22) for an interesting discussion of modern physics.

Thanks to Wally DuChateau (Courier-Herald, June 22) for an interesting discussion of modern physics.  The discoveries of the earth rotating around the sun, or even that the earth was not flat but round, were based on observations that we can do ourselves and make perfect sense in the world we live in.

However, quantum physics is based on mathematics and measurement that are not assessable to us and also not to most of the world’s scientists.  As such, everyday experience cannot be used to understand it. A good discussion of the “many worlds theory” can be found at

Even though we might exist in many worlds at the same time, it is too bad we still have to pay our bills along the path we consciously take through those worlds.

John Locatelli
