County needs to provide clearer recycling orders

I’m extremely happy that King County decided to reopen the transfer station for recycling for several reasons. There will be less garbage dumped in the woods. People can recycle instead of disposing recyclables in landfills. People won’t have to burn and bury.

I’m extremely happy that  King County decided to reopen the transfer station for recycling for several reasons. There will be less garbage dumped in the woods. People can recycle instead of disposing recyclables in landfills. People won’t have to burn and bury.

I also read that King County has some concerns regarding the recyclables people are placing at the transfer station. I have a couple of questions: when recycling glass should the paper labels be removed? Does the “other paper” container include envelopes with plastic windows? Would it be possible for King County to be clearer about what should and should not be placed in the containers.

Like many citizens, I try to do my best. However, I feel I need clearer directions in order to help the county and do the best possible job.

Gay Johnson
