Elfers’ three ‘different’ disciples follow one messiah | Letter to the Editor

Rich Elfers for some reason seems content to recite a dry and historically incorrect labeling of what is in fact a compendium of the same ideology on an upward curve ('Socialists, Liberals, and Fascists, Oh My!' Aug. 1).

Rich Elfers for some reason seems content to recite a dry and historically incorrect labeling of what is in fact a compendium of the same ideology on an upward curve (Socialists, Liberals, and Fascists, Oh My!).

All three “labels” are in fact the same mind set differentiated only by the amount of power they manage to acquire for themselves. Liberals became progressives to avoid the label baggage of Marxist ideology they had acquired over the last 20 or so years. Liberals of the 1950s espoused small government, individual freedom and freedom of speech – just the opposite of the liberals of the 2000s. Rich also somehow fails to note that his liberals that “evolved” into communists didn’t just cause the “collapse” of the Soviet Union, they had to murder (conservatively) 260 million people to get to that point.

All of the listed ideologies base their stated rights to power to some degree on the musings of Karl Marx, a vile little drug addict and alcoholic that left his wife and children to starve to death in London in the 1900s while he was feted about Europe by useful idiots similar to those occupying far too many positions in government in 2012. In the case of the best-known fascists, they were proudly “National Socialists,” hardly “right wing.”

Rich, let’s be a little honest here, they based their government on the occult, class warfare and race hate…sound familiar? As to whether these labels apply depends on the targets, no? Rich seems to insinuate that anyone that would use the term has to be (politically) incorrect. In dealing with those in power in this country today, that an’t necessarily so.

Craig Sarver

Bonney Lake