Equality is a civil rights prerogative, not religion’s | Letter to the Editor

While I can appreciate Scott Spanier's choice to treat homosexuals with kindness, dignity and respect, I take issue with his supposition that being a homosexual is a behavior, rather than a civil right issue. Any reference to the Bible is a non-issue. How can you put so much stock in the ancient writings of ignorant sheep herders? It has no place in the government.

While I can appreciate Scott Spanieir’s choice to treat homosexuals with kindness, dignity and respect, I take issue with his supposition  that being a homosexual is a behavior, rather than a civil right issue. Any reference to the Bible is a non-issue. How can you put so much stock in the ancient writings of ignorant sheep herders? It has no place in the government.

Scott says, “If a Hispanic or Asian American walks down the street I know this by the color of their skin. If  a homosexual walks down the same street, I have NO idea of what their sexual preference is, nor do I care.”  The laws of Washington state apply to everyone regardless of whether Scott can recognize a gay person.  Washington state law also protects all it’s citizens from being discriminated against in the workplace; that includes those citizens with different sexual preferences.

Homosexuality crosses all species, it’s been around forever. They are people that go to work, pay the mortgage, raise children and pay their taxes just like you and me. I am not gay, but I understand the struggle that they endure. No one should be ridiculed, ignored, hated, beaten or killed because of who they love. It IS a civil rights issue.

Lorie van Veen
