Fundraiser for hospital was a huge success

We want to thank everyone who participated in the Beth Crews memorial fundraiser for Enumclaw’s new St. Elizabeth Hospital. The event held Sunday night, Nov. 14, was a rousing success. Our goal was to raise $25,000 to benefit the new hospital in Beth’s name and we are excited to report that when all the final contributions arrive, we fully expect to reach our goal. The event was wonderful, full of laughter, joy and memories. The approximately 80 people who attended and worked at the event made it a triumph we will all remember for a long time.

The event would not have been possible without the incredible generosity of Debra and Jeff Schweter, the owners of the Rainier Bar and Grill, and their amazing staff. They put on an incredible gourmet dinner. Joey (the chef at the Rainier) and his staff put out a meal that will be talked about for a long time – it was absolutely delicious! In addition to the food and beverages, the Schweters and the staff all donated their time, and their tips, to the cause. Without them, the event would not have been possible and we are so appreciative of their incredible efforts.

Many other local businesses and individuals were incredibly generous with auction items. We want to thank Judy G’s frame shop for doing an incredible job on framing many of the art pieces. Shine Salon was wonderful to donate a fantastic spa package for the auction. Maria Kok, the wonderful Wine Department manager and sommelier at QFC donated a couple of incredible bottles of wine from her personal collection. Local piano teacher Karen Bennett and Sysco Foods also made very generous donations to make the event successful. Much of the night’s fun was the product of the hard work and vivacious persona of Sheila Shannon, owner of Madison’s off Davis. She was incredible in her role as auctioneer and helped in so many ways to make the event successful. Jackie Madill and the Franciscan Foundation were wonderful to work with and they staffed the event to make the auction run smoothly. We want to thank Dr. Nancy Becker and Dr. Jim and Nancy Merrill for their expert advice and support; they helped in many ways to make this event a reality.

Most importantly, we want to share our warmest appreciation to the Crews family (including Beth’s sisters, father and brother). They helped fill the room with people who loved Beth and they selflessly shared Beth’s incredible artwork with the community to help us achieve our goals for the Foundation. We are so proud to be their friends.

As part of our planning for the event, our auction planning committee was fortunate enough to be able to tour the almost-completed hospital. It is an amazing new facility. Throughout the tour, we were all struck by the amazing new capabilities this facility will bring to Enumclaw. We are fortunate to have this incredible new place of care and healing right here in our local community – it will bring a great many benefits to us for generations to come.

Finally, we want to thank the community for being so supportive of this cause. We have been greeted at every turn with generosity and love. We are so lucky to live in an amazing community like Enumclaw.

Lisa and Edward Hechter

PartyPail Inc.