Is the Courier-Herald slipping away from Plateau values?

If I wanted to read a liberal rag, I’d pick up the Seattle Times.

I will try to make this short and simple.

I recently agreed to pay $60 a year for the Courier-Herald. My family and I have always enjoyed the paper and we felt that it reflected the concerns and values within the community of the Buckley-Enumclaw area. That being said, I have always wondered how the Courier-Herald felt the need to print the dribble of Rich Elfers. It doesn’t take long to understand that his “journalism” would be better served at some liberal rag like the Seattle Times.

Anyway, a week after agreeing to a paid subscription I had the displeasure of reading a rather lengthy column by none other than a EHS Senior (Daisy Devine). Apparently high school seniors have such in depth life experience and political savvy that their considerable knowledge should be plastered above Mr. Elfers’ nonsense.

Perhaps Daisy can find a safe space at EHS so she can get past the current president of the USA confirming a SCOTUS under the authority given to he/she under the Constitution. What happened to the Courier-Herald? If I wanted to pay for such nonsense I would just grab the Times.

Mark Lemoine
