Letter to the Editor: Are you working class? Then vote Harris, Walz

Reader Kimmer Duncan is worried about how Project 2025 would harm women and promote Christian Nationalism.

As a political moderate, I have supported candidates from both parties. However, the deep connections between conservative SCOTUS justices, the Federalist Society, Heritage Foundation, and figures like Leonard Leo and Harlan Crow have alarmed me. The Republican Attorneys General Association funnels billionaire and corporate money into promoting pro-corporation, extreme right-wing judges, including those on the Supreme Court.

Research Project 2025. You can find it online. It is written by key figures from Trump’s administration. It is a blueprint for dismantling essential government functions. Trump’s plan to reinstate Schedule F would purge experts from crucial agencies, replacing them with loyalists or leaving positions unfilled. He aims to gut the Department of Education and put Social Security on the chopping block—vital benefits for millions of Americans. These are just a few of the policies outlined. You can read summaries online by Dan Rather (Steady), Joyce V. White (Civil Discourse) in free Substack posts or watch YouTube videos. Many of these policies are unpopular so Trump is trying to distance himself from the plan. However, in a video recorded secretly by ProPublica, the main author of the project states he has Trump’s blessing and full support.

I support government negotiation for lower drug costs, tax credits for families, fully funded public education, and environmental protections. Trump’s plan to withdraw the U.S. from NATO threatens global peace and stability.

This election, I am voting Democrat to protect women’s rights and defend against the rise of Christian Nationalism, which seeks to impose extreme religious views on all. Our Constitution should uphold the ideals of freedom and fairness for all.

There is much evidence to prove Trump has a history of not paying his bills, bankrupted family-owned generational businesses, (and his own) and continues to exploit his supporters to fund his legal battles. He divides, demonizes, and normalizes corruption. Meanwhile, Republicans who honor their oath to our country and election workers just doing their job face intimidation and threats from his supporters.

Senator Harris and Governor Walz champion the working class, not billionaires. They understand that leadership is about service, strength, and decency. In contrast, Trump promises retribution and revenge, and his followers threaten civil war. This election is a choice between democracy and autocracy. I urge you to vote Democrat to protect our nation’s future and uphold the values that truly make America great.

Kimmer Duncan
