Letter to the Editor: Democrats to blame for King County’s crime rate

Reader Jon Buss contends Democrats are more interested in protecting criminals than law-abiding citizens.

The Courier Herald recently ran a story about the King County prosecutors office only having 39 or so cases of juvenile sexual assault ending up in front of a judge (“Does King County only prosecute 17% of reported juvenile sexual assaults? Prosecutors push back against report”, published Dec. 6). Interesting. The question I have, coupled with the counties goal of zero juvenile detentions combined with millions of people in this county, do you believe only 39 cases of juvenile sexual assault occurred?

I believe the bigger picture needs to be looked at, and that is crime in general crime is on the rise, especially violent crime. This is a direct result of the criminal justice “reforms” passed by Jay Inslee and his fellow Democrats in 2020. These laws were passed in a knee-jerk reaction to the death of George Floyd. These reforms embraced criminals, handcuff police officers, and told victims they mean nothing in the process. These laws have been marinating for three years now, and crime will only get worse because Democrats refuse to change these laws. Gird your loins and protect your necks because the worst is yet to come. And believe them when they say their goal is zero detentions.

Recently, prolific letter, writer, Larry Benson, cried out for justice for his son, who was a victim of brutal assault. Larry is right for his demand for Justice. Unfortunately, Larry the assault occurred in a county with a liberal Democrat prosecutor so I think your demands for justice will fall on deaf ears. What is ironic, is that Larry supports the Democrats who passed these laws. I guess you get what you vote for. Despite him demonizing police officers in previous letters, I will give him credit for giving praise to how the Enumclaw police handled this vicious assault. I hope there is justice served.

Democrats love articles like this recent one, because we are now mired in the weeds of statistics, and what may or may not be true. I determine the truth by what I am seeing. I am seeing rising crime and victims that are baffled as to why police can’t do anything about it. I believe very little from a prosecutors office that is run by a liberal Democrat that has embraced the current mindset of protecting criminals, handcuffing, police, and flipping the bird to victims.

Another tactic being used by prosecutors is to label as many crimes as possible as “mental health crisis”. I’ve grown on tired of excusing bad, rude or criminal behavior as a mental health issue. Sometimes people need to be held accountable for their actions and put in jail.

Who is to blame? The answer is easy. The Democrat politicians that enacted these laws, the prosecutors that accepted this nonsense, and the Democrat voters that have voted these wankers into power.

Jon Buss
