Letter to the Editor: Don’t believe Ferguson’s attacks on Reichert

Reader Debra Taylor argues the former governor is the moderate Washington needs.

I appreciated Jon Buss’s editorial titled “Want to crack down on crime? Vote for Reichert”, published Sept. 11.

Bob Ferguson can’t run for governor on his own accomplishments as Attorney General for the last 12 years. He relies on bullying tactics and lies. If you watched the gubernatorial debate, you witnessed Ferguson name dropping Trump at least three times even after Reichert adamantly said that he did not endorse Trump, nor Harris.

From the start of his campaign, Reichert disassociated himself with Trump and stood on his own in the primaries without the GOP endorsement. He is a man of integrity, a moderate, who will not ban abortion or cut teachers’ salaries as Ferguson’s lying ads claim. What Reichert will do is solve the homeless crisis from its’ root causes of mental illness and drug addiction. He will strengthen our law enforcement agencies, empowering them to enforce the law and clean up the messes that the Democrats’ liberal policies have wreaked on Washington State.

According to the Washington State Department of Commerce Financial Report, $600 million has been spent on the homeless crisis this year alone. Ferguson said he would support throwing more of your tax dollars at the problem. More of the same is not working. Give Reichert a chance to provide real solutions to the problems plaguing our beautiful state.

Debra Taylor
