Letter to the Editor: Elfers backwards on the universe

Former columnist John Locatelli responds to the assertion that a Creator made the universe.

Richard Elfers, in his article on the creation of the universe, argues for the necessity of a creator (“Occam’s Razor: There is a Creator”, published Nov. 29).

However, life on earth evolved within the constraints of physical constants, not because of them. We developed eyesight because of the spectrum of light from the sun, not because the sun had a pre-determined spectrum to fit our eyes.

Richard Elfers is here because of various previous mass extinctions of the prevalent species at the time of the extinctions. Without the extinction of the dinosaurs, mammals might not have arisen, and also no Richard Elfers to think about the creation.

There are 21.6 sextillion planets in the universe. Naturally it is normal to think we are special because we are here, but out of that many planets it is not a stretch to imagine random events leading to life without any planning needed.

John Locatelli

Maple Valley