Letters to the Editor For the sake of the community, support the levy

Economic times are tough and we are all looking for ways to economize. While we are all cutting out unnecessary expenses we must be careful not to embrace false economies.

Economic times are tough and we are all looking for ways to economize. While we are all cutting out unnecessary expenses we must be careful not to embrace false economies.

Voting “no” on the school levy would be one of the most expensive false economies I can think of. Benjamin Franklin, writing as Poor Richard, reminded us that “a stitch in time saves nine.” It is the same with repairing the school buildings. Do we pay for needed repairs now, or wait until a great deal of damage is done because we neglected the buildings and as a consequence pay for far more repairs than were originally necessary?

The consequences of not keeping up with technological improvements in our schools will be even more expensive. If we don’t, we will be paying with the future of our children.

Education is the most important part to a robust economy. The more inadequate that a country’s, state’s or community’s educational system is, the worse that the economy is. We cannot allow that to happen here.

For those of you who would say that you don’t have any children in school and therefore don’t want to continue paying taxes for education, I would tell you that you are being short-sighted. My two boys graduated some time ago and will not directly benefit from the levy, but I know that in a very real way all the children who are in my community are my children. They are a large part of my community I must accept some responsibility to see that they thrive. Without this my community and your community cannot thrive.

For everyone’s sake, vote “yes” on the levy.

Alexes Shuman


Bush will not be divisive as ex-president

President Bush just gave his final press conference to the D.C. press corps this week. It was a memorable press conference. I am glad that he did not call on that old, close-minded liberal bitty, Helen Thomas, the N.Y. Times reporter. My God, when is she and her old tired ethics going to retire? But I digress.

The one comment that really stuck out in my mind during this press conference was the fact he said he was going back to Crawford, Texas, and the first day that he wakes up he will make Laura coffee. How refreshing. Being 42 years old gives me some perspective and experience about how former presidents act. I have always heard the unwritten rule is that former presidents don’t interfere with their successors. That seemed to be the case with Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush. They all retired, did good work for humankind and lived their life. Then, came along Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton. They grabbed that unwritten rule and stomped it into the ground, then urinated on it. The former being all Republicans, the latter being Democrats. A coincidence? I don’t know, you be the judge.

Bill Clinton started the incredibly un-American policy of undermining a current sitting president. It is understandable that Bill Clinton would do that. He is incredibly narcisistic and loves the spotlight. It is pathological, not political, with Bill Clinton. He is happy with a camera in his face and means no malice, by undermining a currently sitting president. Bill Clinton is shallow and when he isn’t looking for cameras, he is angling for people to like him, especially those that give him money or other benefits.

Jimmy Carter is different. Jimmy Carter was president during one of the worst economic times of this country (yes, much, much worse than what we are going through now). He gutted the military and allowed Americans to be taken hostage in Iran. He gave up the Panama Canal. He imposed a “windfall profit tax” on the oil companies which caused long lines at gas stations. He told us to turn our home heaters down to 65 and wear sweaters to keep warm because he had no vision when it came to energy policy. There was 12 percent unemployment and the interest rates were out of this universe. He is one of the worse presidents of all time. He had no clue on economics, military, taxation, energy policy and foreign policy. It took Ronald Reagan and the 1980 U.S. Olympic hockey team to bring pride back to this country.

He is also one of the worst ex-presidents of all time. For the past eight years, he tried to do an incredible amount of damage to the Bush presidency (and the United States). He hob-knobbed with foreign dictators and despots. He has taken every opportunity to criticize President Bush and the United States whenever cameras appeared. He was part of the “shadow government,” except there was nothing “shadow” about it. Bill Clinton’s reasoning is narcisism. Jimmy Carter’s excuse? I would call it evil. Because only an evil person would do what Jimmy Carter has done over the past eight years to try to undermine President Bush (hence, hurting this country).

A young man named Travis wrote a letter to the editor a short time ago wondering why anyone would vote Republican. Well, Travis, this is just one of the many reasons why I would not vote for a Democrat (Chris Hurst excluded). And, this is why I believe liberalism is a mental disorder.

I have a prediction. When President Bush says he is going to retire in Crawford, I believe him. He will not mug for cameras criticizing President Obama’s policies in an effort to make President Obama look bad. He is a good American, husband and family man and isn’t egocentric and narcisistic like Bill Clinton or evil like Jimmy Carter. This country can only hope for presidents like the aforementioned Republicans. Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter are not uniters of this country, they are dividers. President Obama has a better chance of uniting this country when Democrats love this country more than they hate President George Bush.

J. Buss


Appreciates effort when power was out

During our recent spell of extreme weather I lost part of my power supply, with the result that I had no heat in my house from my central gas furnace, though half of the house had electric power, including the kitchen and stove. So I put on extra clothes and drank hot liquids, climbed under several comforters, and read Sue Grafton and Janet Evanovich mystery stories. I was not uncomfortable, but I confess that my nose was cold to touch.

But the point of this missive is that my first contact with the women at the police station was my request for the next steps I should take. I was given information and instructions which proved very helpful as a starter. During that two-day period, the ladies called me several times periodically to make certain that I was OK and asked if I had received assistance from the resources I had called.

They shared that there were options available, other than being cold at home, and recommended calling the gas department. Scott from the city gas department arrived soon after my call and investigated both my gas hot water heater, furnace and under the house to make sure all was secure with no leaks. He returned the following day with a partner to assure all was still secure.

The concerns and assistance of all of the team and their several phone calls to make certain I was all right were appreciated. I commend them for the work that they do, that demonstrates that Enumclaw is a community where needs are met to the best of the whole team’s ability, but that “care” is not just a four-letter word.

Aside from the fact that I left messages at approximately 10 business answering machines, including electricians, heating and plumbing businesses and other related services, it was not until the early evening of the second day that a young electrician arrived at my door and replaced one of the breakers on my electric panel that took him less than 30 minutes to discover and replace.

But it was the periodic calls from the ladies at the Police Department over that two-day period, who kept checking to make certain that I was alive and OK, that I appreciated most.

I thank all of you for your assistance and commend all involved for their actions and support.

Doreen M. Bowie
