Please get your news from multiple sources

I hope FOX viewers realize they’ve been watching lies.

Thanks to Dominion’s defamation lawsuit against FOX News, it has come to light what anyone with half a brain knew all along, that they have been lying to their viewers for years, telling them whatever they wanted to here for the soul reason of keeping their ratings up and never mind what the truth actually was.

The main problem with these revelations, as I see it, is that, most, if not all of their viewers won’t believe the truth about FOX News, even if they are presented with it, most likely the reason will be that they heard about these revelations from some other source that they have never believed anyway.

This is the problem with getting all of your news from one source, when that source is nothing but a propaganda machine: you won’t believe the truth when it is presented to you. My one hope is that, at least some of these viewers will finally wake up and realize what has been happening to our country because of this constant stream of lies and misinformation. Just sayin’.

Larry Benson
