I have been trying to decipher the recent letters written by Dan Scribner. They are choppy, confusing, don’t follow a logical thought pattern. Mr. Scribner has been ranting and raving about the Bush administration allowing citizens to carry loaded guns within the boundaries of national parks in order to defend themselves from criminals and animals. I support this law. Mr. Scribner obviously does not agree with this law. Scribner wanted to blame Republicans and the National Rifle Association. However, the dirty little secret that Scribner does not want you to know is Democrats helped passed this into law. In fact Mr. Scribner intentionally left out some important facts.
Even though it was a Republican president that signed this into law, President Bush needed much Democrat support in the House and Senate in order to pass this law. If Democrats were united, this law would have been defeated. The Senate was controlled by Democrats and could have easily defeated this law. The House of Representatives had over 100 Democrats that voted for this law. So, Mr. Scribner, where in your mind could Democrats be responsible for this law being passed?. Democrats now run this country at every level and could reverse this law, but they haven’t. Why is that, Mr Scribner? Is it the NRA and their influence over the Democrat Party? Or is it because Democrats fear for their political lives right now, especially when it comes to the Second Amendment?
Free your mind Scribner, don’t be a shill for one political party, the public is not as stupid as you think they are. Think for yourself for once in your life. If I can do it, you can do it. Let the Constitution of this great country and state be your guide, not a political party.
I must say, thank you to Democrats, Republicans and President George Bush for protecting my Second Amendment rights to pack a gun in national parks. I can now protect me, my lovely bride and my four beautiful kids while enjoying the national parks without endangering people like Dan Scribner.
J. Buss