Regular writer refuses to acknowledge some facts

Again and again, Mr. DeVol is very good at spouting words that disagree with anything progressive or liberal. As many times as I have seen his words printed in The Courier-Herald, I don’t remember any of those opinions backed up by facts.

Here are a few of those pesky facts for Mr. DeVol to refute. Of around 2,000 talk radio stations in this country, about 60 are liberal or progressive. Rupert Murdoch, the owner of Fox news and more public media then anyone in the world, is most definitely not a liberal. You could hardly describe the boards of directors of ABC, NBC and CBS as liberals, they are, after all, all about big business.

Just saying the Democrats have spent more then all of those other administrations that I mentioned in my earlier letter doesn’t make it so. It seems like every time those inconvenient facts get reported in the media, the right-wingers just blame it on the “liberal media.” Please point out to me where all of this liberal media is, since big business owns nearly all of the “media.” I would like to find some more of it so I could listen to or read it.

I’m sure Mr. DeVol has worked very hard for whatever he has gained or achieved in his life and is justifiably proud of that fact. It seems, however, that he also feels that our government should do nothing to help those less fortunate then himself. His attitude seems to be that if you can’t make it without any help you should just go somewhere and die. I would remind him that some of the words in our founding documents include, provide for the common good and promote the general welfare of our people. But that’s probably just another liberal media lie to Mr. DeVol.

P.S. – My friends call me Larry, I would appreciate Mr. DeVol returning the respect I have shown and referring to me as Mr. Benson.

P.P.S. – If Mr. DeVol ever has an actual fact to share, please do.

Larry Benson
