Unnecessary spending is again part of the Buckley city budget

When I purchased the paper this a.m. I expected to get an update on current events, not something that happened six months ago.

When I purchased the paper this a.m. I expected to get an update on current events, not something that happened six months ago. The budget approval was a more interesting process than what is being reported.

Apparently the thought of civility is a one-way action. Some council members wanted to postpone action on this budget until there had been time to look at potential savings. The majority chose not to allow that to happen. With less than seven days to review what was the last proposed budget, I was able to identify 10 areas of concern. Surely our illustrious majority could outdo me on that, or can they? Creating a lower-cost alternative while providing the same service must be beyond their limited ability.

Like a flock of trained parrots, council members Reed, Twardowski, Patson and Boyle-Barrett gave their affirmative votes to yet another bloated Buckley city budget. There will be the usual goodies for staff including a Xmas bonus for some, fully paid medical and a job, many times unnecessary, when many who pay the city’s bills are not enjoying that luxury.

As one of the members of the audience noted during my testimony on Nov. 9, the majority are not interested in what was offered as concerns and alternatives. But it was also evident that the council majority is up to their old tricks, orchestrating how they will vote prior to coming to the council meeting. The two council members who are usually capable of setting longevity records talking while saying nothing were quietly out of character. There was a statement by one council member to the effect that the budget should just be passed it can always be changed and the fourth member of the majority said nothing.

This question lingers in my mind – why do the mayor and city administrator have to monopolize the conversation during the council meeting? They have already had three months and close to 20 two-hour meetings where they have had the floor nearly nonstop to sell their wish list. The council meeting is for the council to have a discussion. The mayor and city administrator are not members of that body. So much for following Roberts Rules while conducting a meeting.

We already know the mayor has proven to be a big spender of others’ money and the council majority agrees with her as shown by their vote. It really boils down to this: it is apparently OK to increase the standard of living of a favored group (those employed by the city) at the expense of a group that is not favored (the ratepayers of this city) as the majority of the growth in this budget is coming from utilities, the only source of funds that the city can raid without legal controls. When your utility bill shows another increase, call those who favor that action, let them know how much you appreciate paying for their unnecessary spending.

In the meantime, let council members Harple, Montgomery and McNally know how much you appreciate their attempt to hold costs to a reasonable level. They are just being outvoted.

Marvin Sundstrom
