Vandals making it tough to keep the restaurant doors open | Letter

As many of you on the Plateau know, the Krain Corner Restaurant has been fighting for its survival. We welcome all the people who come in to our place. We were thrilled by the response to our listing on the Historic Register.

As many of you on the Plateau know, the Krain Corner Restaurant has been fighting for its survival. We welcome all the people who come in to our place. We were thrilled by the response to our listing on the Historic Register.

However, a few rotten people are going to spoil all of this for us if they do not stop breaking into our place. It is over 15 times now. We have lost cash registers, had broken windows, screens, chairs, etc. In addition our out buildings have been broken into costing us tools and gardening equipment, locks, etc.

We are not a wealthy chain restaurant. We are in Chapter 13. This means we pay $3,000 a month above and beyond all our other expenses to keep going. These break-ins will soon make our insurance unaffordable. In addition, the toll on our spirits is immeasurable.

We simply want to be a wonderful, welcoming addition to the Plateau. Instead, we are beginning to feel like we are the victims of constant harassment by people who evidently want to see us go under. We hope that if anyone out there knows who might be doing this they will report them. If anyone sees something going on at night when we are closed, please call the police.

Thanks to the patrol people who have come out. They are doing their best but there are too few of them to cover this area.

Karen Hatch, owner,

and all our wonderful staff,

Krain Corner Inn, Enumclaw