When Rich Elfers creates life in the universe, then he can tell people how to live | Letter

I am a Christian Zionist who made the decision to be one based on Judeo-Christian values and beliefs.

The following is in response to Rich Elfers’ column in The Courier-Herald, July 4.

I am a Christian Zionist who made the decision to be one based on Judeo-Christian values and beliefs.

I’m sure you’ve heard other Christians quote the Bible verse about those who bless Israel will be blessed and those that curse Israel will be cursed in return. Well, I believe that because I believe the Bible is God’s instruction manual, and that God doesn’t lie. God is not going to consult you before he moves, but he will judge you as you judge others. Maybe you think your opinion matters so much, but in reality you are just a speck on the earth, and why should God listen to you?

When you can create the universe and all life in it, then you can tell your creation who you are and how they should live. In the meantime, you live in a universe that you did not create, and the creator has already told you who he is and given you his unchangeable rules for living in it. Should you choose not to comply, he will treat you like the disobedient child you are.

And in case you didn’t know, Jesus is Jewish. He did not convert to Christianity. Christians are adopted into God’s family, and that family is Jewish.

Barbara Stowe