Losing weight and getting in shape makes many resoluti

Losing weight and getting in shape makes many resolution lists. In this area there are plenty of gyms, swimming pools, yoga and pilates

Losing weight and getting in shape makes many resolution lists. In this area there are plenty of gyms, swimming pools, yoga and pilates

studios and weight management groups that can help. Not to mention, parks and recreation programs that fit the bill and free activities like hiking Mount Peak or walking the Foothills Trail to get started. Year after year you’ve sworn to get organized – is this the year? Experts recommend starting small. For example, pick one area, say a drawer, to start. Once that’s done move on to the next one, or something bigger, like the desk top or closet. Taking little organizing steps like this keeps the experience positive and manageable. Who knows that drawer and closet may lead to the

garage, shed or attic.

unresolved resolutions