11th Annual Tapps Island Food Drive begins Dec. 8

Bags will be mailed to residents of Tapps Island and also distributed to some surrounding neighborhoods such as Quiet Water and Skyline Estates a few days before pick-up. Residents should watch their mailbox, or check their porch for a donation bag.

Resident of Tapps Island are ready to launch their 11th annual food drive to benefit the Sumner Food Bank.

This year’s event is scheduled for Dec. 8.

As in previous years, volunteers will pick donations up from residents’ porches beginning at 9 a.m. on the morning of Dec. 8.

Bags will be mailed to residents of Tapps Island and also distributed to some surrounding neighborhoods such as Quiet Water and Skyline Estates a few days before pick-up.  Residents should watch their mailbox, or check their porch for a donation bag.

If you do not receive a bag and would like to contribute, please call 253-468-3974.

Desired donation items include canned meats, soap, peanut butter, dog food, baby items, and canned vegetables.

Sponsors are Sam Suznevich of Sumner/Eagle Home Mortgage, Lauri McLeod of John L. Scott Real Estate, and Pam Bauer of Slate/Lake Tapps.

New this year is a drop-off location at Slate/Lake Tapps, 18215 9th St. E. Lake Tapps. Bags may be dropped off at Slate until Dec. 15. Other sponsors include Top Food and Drug/Lakeland, and Tapps Island Association.

The Tapps Island Food Drive has contributed more than 20,000 pounds of food to the Sumner Food Bank since its start. It is one of the larger food drives for the bank during the holiday season.