A letter from the Black Diamond City Council

City offices are closed, but we are working on a way to hold virtual council meetings.

Dear Black Diamond Residents:

Your City Council is here for you during this time of “Stay Home and Stay Safe,” COVID-19 avoidance.

Black Diamond City offices are closed for the health and safety of the residents and the city staff. The staff is working from home, except for a few employees who must physically be on-site to maintain critical services and infrastructure. We thank them for doing all of the behind-the-scenes work that often goes unnoticed.

Mayor Benson continues city administration and is keeping the essential functions of the city moving as necessary. The City Council has access to the Mayor, and she keeps us updated on current and evolving situations. All seven members of the City Council look forward to getting back to our regular work on behalf of the citizens as soon as circumstances allow. Even though we cannot conduct our usual business meetings during this crisis, we can assure you that we are as committed as ever to our policy and oversight responsibilities as councilmembers.

Essential infrastructure continues to provide services without interruption. We heartily thank our Public Works staff who keep our water service, stormwater service, and sewer utilities functional, and our roads clear.

The Black Diamond Police Department is fully functional and available to you as usual. Mountain View Fire and Rescue is also on duty on the front lines, as they serve in homes, businesses and on the streets of the City whenever they are needed.

The Food Bank is open at the Community Center Mondays and Wednesdays from 9:00-4:00. Please call 360-886-1011 for information and other services.

Citizens may e-mail Mayor Benson, City Council members, and Department Heads (as listed on the City website) with questions or concerns:

• Mayor Benson- cbenson@blackdiamondwa.gov

• Tamie Deady- tdeady@blackdiamondwa.gov

• Melissa Oglesbee- mogelsbee@blackdiamondwa.gov

• Chris Wisnoski- cwisnoski@blackdiamondwa.gov

• Erin Stout- estout@blackdiamondwa.gov

• Kristiana de Leon- kdeleon@blackdiamondwa.gov

• Patrick Nelson- pnelson@blackdiamondwa.gov

• Steven Paige- spaige@blackdiamondwa.gov

We ask for your patience and understanding with our staff, given the logistical difficulties of remote work under present conditions. Health and financial resources for individuals and businesses are listed on the City webpage, ci.blackdiamond.wa.us. In the righthand column, click on IN THE SPOTLIGHT. Follow the link on the CORONAVIRUS information page.

Families and individuals are experiencing added stress, and it is normal to feel frustrated and helpless during uncertain times. Reaching out to others, near or far, can resolve some of those feelings. Do what you find helps you to stay healthy mentally and physically. Breathe fresh air a few times a day; maybe take a walk if you are able. Call or text vulnerable neighbors. Every resident is precious to us.

If you are in an emotional crisis, please do not hesitate to contact crisisconnections.org or call the King County Crisis Line 866-427-4747. A 24-hour domestic violence hotline is also available for immediate help at 800-562-6025.

The city is working on a method of holding virtual council meetings with the ability for residents to listen in a manner that would not endanger their health or the health of staff members. Citizens may e-mail comments as usual. Any action taken at such a meeting would be “necessary and routine,” in accordance with Governor Inslee’s proclamation on the Open Public Meetings Act.

We wish all of our residents well. We look forward to the day, hopefully very soon, when we can gather together once again, in the beautiful City of Black Diamond.

Tamie Deady, Melissa Oglesbee, Chris Wisnoski, Erin Stout, Kristiana de Leon, Patrick Nelson, and Steve Paige.