All ages of Sumner | Sumner Mayor Update

A few years ago, representatives from New York chose to film a PBS documentary in Sumner because our high school was located on Main Street. Apparently, many American communities these days get separated by age. Schools are over there while retirement centers are over here.

The following is written by Sumner Mayor Dave Enslow:

A few years ago, representatives from New York chose to film a PBS documentary in Sumner because our high school was located on Main Street.

Apparently, many American communities these days get separated by age.  Schools are over there while retirement centers are over here.

One of the best successes with Sumner is that our generations live together and learn from each other.

A great example is the Sumner Senior Center.  During a time of declining participation, instead of shutting it down, the City Council contracted with Stafford Suites to run it.

Since then, the place has become the hottest spot in town to be. Tina from Stafford Suites sent me this update last week: “Quentin Clark suggested and the [Senior Center] board agreed that they would like to contribute to the youth in our community by establishing an annual scholarship at the high school. This year it will be a $500 scholarship.  I hope you know this is a direct rippling effect of what you, Dave, and the city council have done by making a conscious decision to revitalize the senior center just a few short years ago.  You have empowered these senior citizens to want to give back to the community.  Good begets good and it all just keeps getting better and better in the city of Sumner!”

How great is that?  Perhaps they were inspired by the Sumner High School students who visit the center once a month to help seniors learn how to use their smart phones and tablets.  And, isn’t that how it should be?  One generation benefiting another. You’re never too young or too old to be thinking about how you can help others in your community.  But you already know that because that’s part of what makes Sumner such a great place to be.

P.S.  If you’d like to join in the scholarship effort, contact Melissa Holt at the Sumner Senior Center 253-863-2910. And if you’re over 55 and haven’t checked out the senior center yet, what are you waiting for?  Click here to check out upcoming events.