Artists recruited for group in Black Diamond

Budding artists are tucked into the cottages and hillsides of Black Diamond

Budding artists are tucked into the cottages and hillsides of Black Diamond. Musicians, photographers, performers, painters, sculptors and artists of all kinds are quietly (or noisily) following their passion, honing their skills and looking for an audience.

On that note, a handful of Black Diamond artists are gathering each month to organize. They are planning ways to establish a strong art presence in Black Diamond, both to encourage local artists and to provide a means to display or perform.

All artists, professional or amateur, are invited to join the group. Members gather at 7 p.m. the third Tuesday of each month at the Black Diamond Bakery coffee shop.

Those attending can take a sample of their work. They also are encouraged to provide ideas to help collect the artists of our city and build a strong presence of available talent in the community.

The next meeting is planned for Feb. 17.