As a nation, we have become fools

A little more than 14 years ago on the eve of my 24th birthday, I was resting on my bed anticipating the arrival of my Enumclaw crew who were traveling to Seattle to celebrate my birthday. In a matter of minutes I had an experience that would forever change my life and set me on a different course. Though I was living a life full of sin and disregard for the things of God and though I had no desire to go to church on Sundays, let alone be a pastor, the lord visited me in my room and showed my past, my present and my future.

Church Corner

A little more than 14 years ago on the eve of my 24th birthday, I was resting on my bed anticipating the arrival of my Enumclaw crew who were traveling to Seattle to celebrate my birthday. In a matter of minutes I had an experience that would forever change my life and set me on a different course. Though I was living a life full of sin and disregard for the things of God and though I had no desire to go to church on Sundays, let alone be a pastor, the lord visited me in my room and showed my past, my present and my future.

He showed me that I had been deceived with my eyes wide open and did not resemble the man I always thought I’d become. Though I was a leader, I was leading in the wrong direction and causing many to be lost. He showed me, while lying on my bed, that I would be a preacher in the last days, bringing the gospel of Jesus Christ to those who were lost, literally saving souls from the snare of the devil before the day of lord.

From that day, my life suddenly and radically changed direction. I began pursuing God like never before. My pursuit caused my love for him to deepen, which in turn further fuels my pursuit. God is worth it all!

We live in perilous times. Though we live in the greatest nation in the world we have made a crucial error. In our values, traditions, culture and certainly new legislation, we have begun distancing ourselves from the very one who made us great in the first place. As a nation we have lost our appetite for the things of God. What started deceptively as a “separation” between church and state has deteriorated rapidly making it clear that a divorce is imminent. Our nation and even this whole world has changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man, trying to blend all religious ideals, faiths and theories together as though they all agree and are of equal value. Professing ourselves wise we have become fools, ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. There is only one God, one faith and one baptism. Yet they will call us intolerant for not entertaining a lie. They will demonize us for choosing to be biblically correct rather than politically correct. I applaud Miss California and see her as a candle that shines in the darkness. She has won a much more coveted crown and will be judged by the righteous judge.

It is a dangerous thing to tell God that he is no longer welcome in our universities and schools, or in our courtrooms or the workplace, or in our laws and in our future plans and endeavors. Without God we can do nothing. Except God keeps our country we have no defense. When you stand in opposition to God, you lose every time.

I’m writing this article, which again could be my last, to blow the trumpet in Zion. The season has begun to change and now is the time for the church to watch and to pray. I’m writing this article to prick the heart of someone who the lord has been drawing, that they may find repentance to the acknowledging of the truth and be recovered out of the snare of the devil. In the books of II Peter and Jude we are warned that in the last days there will be scoffers and mockers. People would try to put to shame anyone who stands up and proclaims the truth especially concerning the coming of the lord. I don’t care about that, because I know the truth and it burns in me.

Rather than compromise my beliefs and faith in Jesus Christ, I choose to make a very sure and vocal stand. I am the redeemed of the lord and I will say so. I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ. I believe that no weapon formed against me shall prosper and that ultimately I will be overjoyed and filled with gladness at the coming of our savior.

I encourage you to read what was written about the times we are in and choose to be on the side of truth and righteousness. Christ did all the work and all we have to do is to believe on him. Read Mark 13, Matthew 24, II Peter 3, II Thessalonians 2 and Revelations 11-19. These words will ring true to you and I believe if you were looking for God to reveal himself to you, he will.