Beautify Bonney Lake held Sept. 19

Volunteers wanted for cleanup event

Volunteers are needed throughout the city to work with the sixth annual Beautify Bonney Lake event Sept. 19.

Since 2004, the event has produced thousands of volunteer hours for improvements in the city.

This year’s event runs from 9 a.m. to noon and volunteers are asked to meet at the Park and Ride on Sky Island Drive. Volunteers will receive a free T-shirt and work assignments.

This year, 16 projects have been selected to keep up to 600 volunteers busy for the three-hour workday.

Among of the projects are:

• cleaning the old stormwater pond behind Crystal Meadows and adding native plants.

• cleaning and landscaping the entrance to Victor Falls Elementary School.

• cleaning along Fennel Creek and Kelley Lake Road.

Volunteers need to wear clothes appropriate for the weather and provide gloves and tools like shovels, rakes, wheelbarrows and pruners. Individuals should mark their tools so they can be returned.

Pizza and beverages will be served to all volunteers.

For more information, visit Beautify Bonney Lake is a nonprofit organization.

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