CHURCH CORNER: Discovering the wonder and awe after the holiday season is gone

We have just celebrated Christmas, the wrapping paper is gone and gifts have all been held and examined with wonder and awe.

We have just celebrated Christmas, the wrapping paper is gone and gifts have all been held and examined with wonder and awe. From the tiny baby to Grandpa, we have marked the day with gifts and family and of course food. So let me ask, do you still have that holiday Bliss? According to Webster, bliss, means “great happiness” or “spiritual joy.”

I have recently been able to sit back and take in these holidays with a little more quiet around me than usual. I elected to stay away from the fast pace of shopping and opted to spend more time reading, listening to music and sharing with friends and family. I thought a lot about Emmanuel “God with us” and the first Christmas when the star shone brightly over the little town of Bethlehem. I thought about the shepherds in the fields and their wonder and awe as they beheld the bright light in the sky. What of those three wise men who followed that star bearing gifts for one they didn’t even know? What about the stable?

I found myself asking what does my stable look like. Can I invite Emmanuel into my home, my heart? Will I make room? What about the days following his birth?

Bliss? Scripture shares with us that this holy family now had to flee to a foreign land so as not to die. Bliss? Yes, bliss, just knowing Emmanuel was with them. That is bliss.

The seasons and holidays rush past us with hardly a blink anymore as to their true significance. Let this holiday of Christmas remain in your hearts. Sit in the stillness and breathe in the joy, that God gave to us a savior, Jesus, Emmanuel is with us.



A King was born in a manger, small.

Lying in the hay of a donkey stall.

His mother, Mary, right by his side

The shepherds gazed at this wondrous sight.



Now he grew tall and he grew wise.

A few men listened and then surmised,

That this wasn’t just a normal man,

He had more wisdom than Abraham.



He taught of love and giving of self.

He healed the sick and the sinful man.

He gave new life to those who asked,

Then he told of a peace that would never pass.



This king named Jesus had no place to lie.

He prayed upon a mountain both night and day.

He was hated by men who feared

Their lives would change if he came near.



Jesus told of a shepherd who took a walk

Along the hillside in the dark.

He had ninety nine sheep, one was stray,

So he walked the rugged cliffs that this one be saved.



Now, Jesus was lead to the cross by men.

He never spoke a word in his own defense.

He cried out “Father your will be done.”

That was the day my victory was won.

Glori Schneider is the chaplain at Franciscan Health System’s St. Elizabeth Hospital in Enumclaw. She can be reach by e-mail at