Classes help seniors navigate Cyberspace

A recent study by the Pew Research Study Center shows the numbers of seniors age 70 to 75 using the Internet has nearly doubled since 2005.

A recent study by the Pew Research Study Center shows the numbers of seniors age 70 to 75 using the Internet has nearly doubled since 2005. In a December 2008 survey, nearly 45 percent of respondents said they were active on the Internet, compared to 26 percent in 2005.

Beginning this month, Bonney Lake seniors can learn about computers, the Internet, e-mail and word processing on Mondays at the Bonney Lake Senior Center. This is the second year for the computer classes, which will take place in the second-floor computer lab.

Once seniors learn how to navigate the Internet, they can e-mail friends and family, keep up with the news and pay their bills online.

Glenn Storbeck, who works at the Bonney Lake library, will conduct a class for seniors who want to expand their knowledge with today’s computer technology. The program is part of Pierce County Library Services.

Storbeck said part of his employment mandate is teaching classes. He said when he found out the senior center had a computer lab, he started classes last year.

“The class went over pretty well last year,” Storbeck said. “But it wasn’t all senior citizens. There were some people in their 40s and 50s attending the computer classes.”

On Sept. 28, Storbeck will hold a one-hour class focusing on introducing seniors to the computer and the Internet, followed by an hour-long lab and an opportunity to receive answers to questions.

In October, he will add 30 minutes for an introduction to word processing and cut the lab and question period to 30 minutes. Classes are Oct. 5, Oct. 19 and Oct. 26.

In November, Storbeck will help seniors with e-mail through Yahoo, followed by a 30-minute lab and questions. Classes are Nov. 9 and Nov. 23.

Storbeck said he first covers topics regarding the desktop. He said once seniors get past that portion they become comfortable with the computer.

“Computers are really designed for beginners in a lot of ways,” Storbeck said. “Get them started, a little encouraged, and it clicks and they’re on their way.”

Storbeck said once seniors learn to navigate the Internet, there is a wealth of information which can be beneficial for them.

“Part of my motive in going to the senior center is to let people know how to access information on the Internet,” he said.

He said he also talks about privacy and confidentiality issues on the Web.

He said the class will be informal.

“If people want to just come in and listen for a few minutes they are welcome to,” Storbeck said. “People can sign up if they want, but it’s not required.”

Seniors can check their e-mail while at the center said Senior Services Assistant Staci Guirsch.

Storbeck also said computers are available for free use at the Bonney Lake and Sumner libraries.

To comment on this story view it online at www.blscourierherald. Reach Dannie Oliveaux at or 360-802-8209.