Communities prep for National Night Out

National Night Out occurs the first Tuesday in August, providing everyone an opportunity to socialize with their neighbors. Gatherings among the communities of Enumclaw, Buckley and Black Diamond aim to strengthen the vitality of each neighborhood, making the Plateau a healthier place to live.

National Night Out occurs the first Tuesday in August, providing everyone an opportunity to socialize with their neighbors. Gatherings among the communities of Enumclaw, Buckley and Black Diamond aim to strengthen the vitality of each neighborhood, making the Plateau a healthier place to live.

NNO is a chance for neighbors to build neighborhood spirit, based on a belief that the community will be healthier when people know who lives beside them.

NNO can be get-togethers of any size in front or back yards, providing an opportunity for people to meet, socialize and get to know one another. It can be as simple as root beer floats or a shared barbecue. Anyone can arrange such a gathering.

Downtown events in Buckley and at Black Diamond’s Community Center are not taking place this year and those communities are encouraging local neighborhoods to carry on the tradition.

Events also provide a perfect opportunity for firefighters, first responders, police or city officials to meet with neighborhood gatherings in a nonemergency situation.

LINCCK Civility • Compassion • Kindness, a part of the Rainier Foothills Wellness Foundation, suggests getting flyers with NNO information or postcards that can be given to neighbors with the particulars for your gathering. These materials can be obtained from the Wellness Foundation at 1675 Cole St. in Enumclaw, or at the Buckley Fire Department, 611 South Division St.