Drunken jokester entertains police on his way to jail | BONNEY LAKE POLICE BLOTTER

Bonney Lake Police Blotter, June 22

SHOPLIFTING: Police on June 3 were dispatched to the Walmart for a report of a shoplifter fleeing the store after being contacted by store security. According to store security, the suspect was seen leaving the store with a shopping cart full of unpaid merchandise, valued at more than $208. Security stopped the man and escorted him to the loss prevention office, but as the security officer unlocked the door, the suspect fled the scene. Store security provided police with suspect information. Police are investigating.

ATTEMPTED FORGERY: Officers on June 7 were dispatched to the Rite Aid for an attempted prescription fraud. The pharmacist said a man dropped off a fraudulent prescription form and when he was asked for identification, he went to his car to get it but never returned. Employees called to check on the prescription and it was confirmed as a fraud. Employees provided a description of the suspect. Police are investigating.

PROWL: Police on June 8 were contacted in the lobby of the Public Safety Building by a woman reporting a break-in to car while it was parked in her driveway. The woman reported missing her wallet, containing her social security card, bank cards, cash and a check for $1,200 made out to her. Police are investigating.

SHOPLIFTING AND WARRANTS: Police on June 8 were dispatched to the Walmart for a report of a shoplifter in custody. Store security observed the suspect concealing merchandise in his clothes and attempting to leave the store without paying. The suspect provided a false name to security but when police asked his real name, he gave it to them. A records search indicated the man had an outstanding warrant. The man said he was hoping to return the items for cash in order to by cigarettes. When searched by police, they found more merchandise stuffed up his sleeve. He was trespassed from all Walmart stores and released to Pierce County for booking on his warrants.

DOPES: Police on routine patrol late on June 8 saw a vehicle with blacked out windows sitting alone in a corner of the Regal Cinemas parking lot. Knowing the area is often used to consume drugs, the officer pulled up behind the vehicle and illuminated with a spotlight and saw the occupants moving quickly as if to try and push something under the seat. As the officer approached he noticed the smell of burnt marijuana and saw smoke coming from the vehicle. He also saw a water pipe partially covered by a sweatshirt and a small bag of marijuana. The officer also noted that every time he turned away, the passenger seemed to move his hands around furtively and the officer felt he might be hiding something. When the passenger exited the vehicle, the officer saw loose marijuana buds on the floor of the car and found a glass jar containing more marijuana in the back. The two juveniles in the vehicle were released to their parents and the case was forwarded to Remann Hall for possible charges. The adult passenger in the car was cited for unlawful possession of marijuana and unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia.

SMELLS LIKE SHOPLIFTING: Police on June 9 were called to Target for a report of a shoplifter in custody. Store security observed the suspect select five boxes of cologne, conceal them on his person and then attempt to leave the store without paying. The items were valued at more than $167. The suspect was also seen on surveillance video earlier in the day putting a phone valued at $200 in his pocket and leaving without paying. The suspect admitted to police that he stole the phone and sold it for half price and was planning to do the same with the cologne. He was cited for theft and released.

JUVENILE WARRANTS: On June 9 the school resource officer at Bonney Lake High School recognized a student in the school cafeteria that was no longer a current student at the school. The juvenile was asked to leave and she explained she was just there to visit with friends. She agreed to leave and walked to Albertson’s. Soon after, the officer ran the student’s name and discovered the student had a warrant for felony theft. Several hours later, the officer again spotted the student at Allan Yorke Park. The girl was arrested and transported to Remann Hall to be booked on her warrants.

BURGLARY: Police on June 10 were dispatched to the New Peking Restaurant for a report of a burglary to a storage shed located behind the business. The deadbolt had been punched and a bent steak knife was found in the shed, which was in disarray, though according to the owner it was orderly before the break in. Missing from the shed were several items including a pressure washer, a welding torch, a vacuum pump and two saws. Police received suspect information from a witness and are investigating.

MALICIOUS MISCHIEF: Police on June 10 were called to the 7400 block of 207th Avenue for a report that a rear window of a car was broken overnight.  Police are investigating.

NO POINT IN TESTING: Police on patrol in the early morning hours June 11 observed a vehicle on state Route 410 make a left turn through a red light.  Upon contact the officer smelled intoxicants and the driver’s eyes were watery and bloodshot and he was having trouble getting his insurance forms out. He admitted to drinking, but said he only had a couple of blocks and decided to try it. The driver failed the first roadside sobriety test and then during the second swayed and told the officer “I don’t see what the point would be because I will fail.” He was arrested and transported to Enumclaw Jail where he blew breath test of 0.210 and 0.212. He was cited for driving under the influence, transported to Buckley jail and booked.

DISORDERLY: An officer on patrol in the early morning hours of June 11 witnessed a large group of people in the parking lot of New Peking arguing and yelling in the park. As a second officer arrived the participants became physical. The officers detained a man who was intoxicated and uncooperative. He was booked for disorderly conduct and minor consuming alcohol and was transported to Buckley Jail. He was uncooperative the entire time and refused to calm down even while being booked.

DRUNK: Police on patrol in the early morning hours of June 12 witnessed a vehicle weaving between lanes and nearly driving into a ditch on Angeline Road and pulled over the vehicle. As the officer approached he noted chew spit on the driver’s door and the smell of intoxicants coming from the vehicle. The driver denied drinking. When asked to exit the vehicle, the driver was unsteady on his feet and refused to take any field sobriety tests. He was arrested and transported to Enumclaw Jail. He refused to take a breath test. His license was punched and was booked for driving under the influence.

A REAL KICK: Police on patrol June 12 were approached by a man who was frantically yelling for the officer to stop a motorcycle that went by because the motorcyclist allegedly kicked his door. The officer followed after the motorcycle and saw him pull close behind a dumpster and then duck as if to conceal his location. When the officer approached and asked if he was armed, the man said yes. He was detained in handcuffs and a search revealed a loaded handgun in his jacket and a knife in his boot. A records check indicated the man was required to have an interlock ignition device, which he did not. The man also had a concealed weapons permit. He also said while he kicked at the other vehicle, he did not think he hit it. Because the reporting party drove away, there was no way to take a road rage report. The man was arrested for operating a vehicle without an interlock device and his gun and knife were returned.

THEFT: Officers on patrol just before midnight June 12 witnessed a suspicious male searching through items at a Salvation Army drop box. As the officer approached, the man, whom the officer recognized from earlier contacts, placed two bike tires on the handlebars of his bicycle and ride away. When police contacted and searched, they found a glass pipe used for smoking narcotics in his jacket, prompting the suspect to say “this isn’t my coat.” He admitted to stealing the tires and said it was “stupid.” He was placed under arrest for theft and unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia and transported to Buckley Jail for booking.

A DRUNKEN JOKESTER: Police on patrol just after midnight June 15 witnessed a vehicle making jerky motions and then turning without use of a turn signal. The officer also noted the license plate light was out and pulled over the vehicle. Upon contact, the officer smelled intoxicants and the driver’s eyes appeared watery and bloodshot and his speech was slurred. When the officer asked if he had been drinking the man said he had one-and-a-half beers and a Rumplemintz, though the officer notes the driver “included about three or four too many m’s in the word.” When asked to say the name of the drink again, the driver “slaughtered” the word even further, prompting the officer to note “I don’t even know how to spell what he said.” The driver failed multiple field sobriety tests and then blew a preliminary breath test of .105. He was arrested and transported to Buckley Jail. En route, the suspect told the officer jokes. At the station, he blew a similar sample. He was cited for driving under the influence and booked into Buckley Jail.