Empty Bowls fills the commons with good will at Enumclaw High School | Slideshow

Empty Bowls is an international grass roots effort to fight hunger. The basic premise is potters and other crafts people create handcrafted bowls.

The Empty Bowls event at the Enumclaw High commons drew a large gathering.

Empty Bowls is an international grass roots effort to fight hunger. The basic premise is potters and  other crafts people create handcrafted bowls. Guests arrive for a simple soup meal and choose a unique bowl they keep as a symbol and a reminder of all the empty bowls in the world.

The purpose is twofold to raise awareness of the fight against hunger in our  community and to raise funds to support local food banks.

Proceeds from this event support the efforts of Plateau Outreach Ministries and the Kiwanis  Food Bank to feed those in need on the Plateau.