Enumclaw High daily bulletin | April 2

Congratulations to Blake Hildebrand for being named a WIAA State Athlete of the Week, for the week of March 17-23. More details on this program and honor can be found at: http://www.wiaa.com/subcontent.aspx?SecID=347

Today’s New Information:

Congratulations to Blake Hildebrand for being named a WIAA State Athlete of the Week, for the week of March 17-23.  More details on this program and honor can be found at: http://www.wiaa.com/subcontent.aspx?SecID=347

Seniors – The deadline for all local scholarships is coming up… Please turn in all applications to the counseling office by Wednesday, April 10th.

Mr. EHS competition TONIGHT.  Come to the auditorium at 7:00PM to see representatives from each class compete for the coveted title of Mr. EHS. $3.00 w/ASB & $5.00 w/o and Adults

EHS Girls Basketball Awards will be on TONIGHT at 7:00PM in the Commons .  Cake and refreshments will be served.  Family and friends are all invited to celebrate our amazing season!

Information in Review:

New Credit Retrieval Session started on Monday, April 1st.  Register Now!  Only 2 sessions remaining for Seniors before graduation.

Attention Enumclaw Athletes!

Are you interested in playing Football?  If so, there is a mandatory Player and Parent Meeting Wednesday, April 3rd at 6:30PM in the Commons.  Spring Football is right around the corner!  Calendars, Camp Brochures and other information will be distributed!  Please Be there!!

Seniors – If you are interested in touring Everest College in Renton on April 12th,  stop by the counseling center to pick up your permission form.  Deadline to turn in your forms is April 8th.

Applications for next year’s EHS Cheer Team are available now in the Athletic Office.   Tryouts begin right

after spring break, so don’t delay!!

Attn. next year seniors:

Are you hoping to enroll in Cosmetology program next year? This is a reminder that application forms and interviews must be completed and returned to Mr. Smith by May 15th. There is still time to apply. Stop by the Career and Tech Office to get an application.

Congratulations to Buzzys’ drink winners of the week Sierra LaViers & Kris Rogers

Congratulations to our FFA District Competitors!  Rebecca Blake place 2nd in Extemporaneous  Speaking, Riley Campbell is 1st alternate.  Our Issues Team placed 4th, Samantha Lanting, Rebecca Blake, Riley Campbell, Levi Norton, and Kelly Shigley.  They will all be moving on to STATE this May along with our Greenhand Team, Samantha Barlett, Lyna White Eagle, Madi Dawn and Hunter Luedeke.  Congrats to all of our FFA Winners!  Also Riley Campbell was elected to serve as a DISTRICT TWO officer!  Congratulations Riley! Way to represent Enumclaw!


Jostens Senior Graduation Supplies        Tuesday, April 9                          Lunches                      Commons

Sadie Hawkins “Thrift Shop”                    Saturday, April 13                       8:30-11:00PM           Commons

Junior Achievement Banquet                   Thursday, April 18                      6:30-8:00PM             Commons

Spring Break                                                 Monday, April 22-26                  No School


Listed below is the schedule for A.P. Testing –All students testing must ride the bus to J.J. Smith for testing.

Calculus (11th – 12th)                                  Wednesday, May 8                    8:00-Noon                  J.J. Smith

English Lit/Composition (12th)                  Thursday, May 9                         8:00-Noon                  J.J. Smith

English Language/Composition (11th)     Friday, May 10                            8:00-Noon                  J.J. Smith

May 10 is the last day for AP Art students’ to submit portfolios.

Statistics (11th – 12th)                                 Friday, May 10                            12:00- 4:00PM           J.J. Smith

Biology (10th)                                               Monday, May 13                        8:00-Noon                  J.J. Smith

U.S. History (11th)                                       Tuesday, May 14                        8:00-Noon                  J.J. Smith

Government (12th)                                      Tuesday, May 14                        Noon-4:00PM            J.J. Smith

World History (10th-maybe some 11)    Thursday, May 16                       8:00-Noon                  J.J. Smith

Human Geography (9th)                             Friday, May 17                                     8:00-Noon                  J.J. Smith


*EHS Senior Culminating Projects Exhibition Night

Wednesday, May 22                  6:00-8:00PM             Campus

EHS Streetmasters’ Club Annual Rain Shine Car Show & Bash

Friday, May 17                            All Day                         EHS Campus

Memorial Day                                              Monday, May 27                        No School

Senior Ball                                                    Saturday, June 1                         7:00 – 11:30PM Shilshole Beach Club

Senior Awards                                             Tuesday, June 4                          6:30 – 9:00PM          Auditorium

EHS Film Festival                                         Thursday, June 6                         7:00PM                       Chalet Theater

Graduation (by ticket only)                       Monday, June 10                        7:00PM                   White River Amphitheater

10 free Tickets will be given to the Graduating Senior.  Extra tickets can be purchased for $3.00 a piece.

Freshmen Football Practice                      June 10, 11, 12, 13                     3:30-5:30                    Pete’s Pool

PSAT                                                              Wednesday, October 16                                               EHS

Homecoming 2013 Football Game         Friday, October 25                     7:00PM                        Pete’s Pool (Expo Center)

Homecoming Dance                                   Saturday, October 26

*Change of date

Counseling News/Career Center (room #147) this month:

The Local Scholarships are now available.  Please go to documents in the career center swift website to access the scholarship list, or you can stop by the career or counseling center to pick up a copy.  All applications are due the counseling center by April 10th.

If you are a student who is interested in Running Start, there will be an information session at the Lindbloom Student Center at GRCC’s main campus on Monday, April 22nd at 6:30 pm, and Tuesday, April 30th at 5:30 pm.

Are you a student that would like to learn more about the fashion industry?  Nordstrom is currently accepting applications for the Nordstrom BP Fashion Board for the 2013-14 school year.  The Fashion Board covers a variety of topics including trend forecasting, advertising, marketing, buying, styling and the world of retail. The deadline to apply is April 15th, go to http://bit.ly/WN1fAE to apply.

Are you interested in a career related to the sports industry (including writing, math, business, advertising, media, medicine and more)?  Then come to the Sports and Entertainment Information and Career Fair on April 16 at 2:15 pm or April 17th at 3:15 pm at Cheney Stadium.  Tickets are $16.50 and include Rainiers game and a ballpark meal.  Call Lauren Coombs at 253-761-5631 for more information.


Native American /Alaskan Native Club meets monthly with no fees to participate. The group will learn leadership skills and participate in cultural events. If you have questions please see Cathy in the Counseling Center.

Spanish Club is a group that celebrates Hispanic and Latino culture and practices the use of the Spanish language.  The club is organized and ran by student leaders in the University of Washington Spanish class. Spanish club meets once a month in Profa. Stewart’s room 141 from 2:45-3:45.  Each month we learn and celebrate a topic related to Hispanic and/or Latino Heritage.  This is great place to meet friends, earn culture credit points, and have a good time.  Membership dues are $5.00 per semester.  2012/2013 dates: 4/11, and 5/9.

Weight Club days and times for the winter season are now Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 2:45-4:00.  Join today!  Please pay the cashier $10.00 along with a signed weight club form.  Please see Coach Gunderson with any questions or Coach Murrell (Stussy)

Clubs & Advisors available at EHS:  Drama – Darrell Miller, Equestrian – Courtney Bowie, German – Sarah Stout, Honor Society – Kathy Ross & Susan Sandfer, Interact (Rotary) – Christy Weinbrecht, Judo – Mike Nepper, Service (Key Club) – Amy Ihde, Weight Lifting – Jenelle Stussy Murrell, Art Honor Society – Amy Weber, Culinary – Cynthia Lang, D.E.C.A. – Carol Jackson. F.C.C.L.A. – Raeann Webb & Cynthia Lang, F.F.A. – Amy Morrison,  Jewelry/Skills USA – Randy Cook, Robotics-Kent Basting & Jim LovellFord, Running Club – Jenelle Murrell Stussy & Trevor Kulvi, Streetmasters – Jerry Globe, Video – Doug Wolf, G.S.A. – Jean Zeman, Water Polo – Bob Averill & Ken DeMan

COMMUNITY Happenings:

The Enumclaw Clothing Bank:   We are open every Tuesday from 10am-6pm. (closed on school closures and holidays)  We are located at the JJ Smith building on Fell St. in the old library. Sheila Smith 360-829-6605

YoungLife is on Monday nights at 7:37PM in Senior Locker Bay.  All students are welcome.

The Lake Tapps Lacrosse Club will be playing at Pete’s Pool on Friday, April 5th. JV plays at 6:00 and Varsity at 8:00 – admission – FREE!!! Come on out and support some local EHS players as they go up against Issaquah High School.

Help save the Danish Hall:  Come get Aebleskiver on Saturday, April 6 from 10:00 – 2:00PM.  They are really good!!!

Need Help with the SAT?  FREE Saturdays, beginning March 23 – April 7, Enumclaw Library, 2-5pm

Sandweiss Test Prep is offering a free six week SAT class at Enumclaw Library:

Sessions on March 23 and April 20 will be 4 hours to accommodate the full-length practice test. Check your library for exact times.

Saturday, April 6  Lesson 2 (3 hrs.)

Saturday April 13  Lesson 3 (3 hrs.)

Saturday April 20 Practice Test (3.5 hrs.) This class will start at 1pm

Saturday, April 7 Test Review (1.5 hrs.)

Call Enumclaw Library to register as class size is limited to 22 students

360-825-2045 These classes will have students ready for the May 4 or June 1 SAT Exam.