Enumclaw superintendent receives Washington Association of School Administrators award

Enumclaw School District Superintendent Mike Nelson is the recipient of the Washington Association of School Administrators Region 110’s Student Achievement Leadership Award.

Enumclaw School District Superintendent Mike Nelson is the recipient of the Washington Association of School Administrators Region 110’s Student Achievement Leadership Award.

Each WASA region presents an awards annually to a WASA member who has provided leadership for the implementation of an innovation that has resulted in measurable growth in student achievement.

A release regarding the award noted Nelson’s leadership in implementing the four-pillar Head-Heart-Hands-Habit strategic plan and facilitating Professional Learning Communities has changed the culture of the district and increased student achievement.

Nelson was further credited as the driving force behind the implementation of all-day kindergarten and has supported community fundraising to continue the program when state fund sources were eliminated. In the last two years, the district has redesigned its math program and renewed its focus on literacy.

“Congratulations, Mike, on this well-deserved recognition of your creative, steady, clear-headed, and inspirational leadership for your students in Enumclaw and our region,” wrote Janice Watson, Puget Sound Education Service District assistant superintendent.

Nelson will be presented with the award at the WASA/Association of Washington School Principal’s summer conference in Spokane June 27.