Happy New Year, an annual apology | Wally’s World

Well, pop the champagne and give a rebel yell. Once again, it’s time to take stock of the past year and declare goals and resolutions for the future.

Well, pop the champagne and give a rebel yell. Once again, it’s time to take stock of the past year and declare goals and resolutions for the future. (But bear in mind that Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists – more than half the world’s population – have different calendars.)

Where did last year go? Beats me. It simply vanished in a wisp of air, leaving me confused and dazed – a state that isn’t particularly rare – but ready for another round of drinks, streamers and noise-makers.

In my weaker moments, I’ve already started thinking about next year’s columns, yet I’m always receptive to suggestions. So, if any of you have topics that may be of community interest, leave me a note in the Courier-Herald office.

I’ll take this opportunity to extend my annual apologies to people I may have offended in the last 12 months. Of course, that has never been my intention. Allowing for a little artistic license for the sake of humor, I’ve tried to keep my historical facts and anecdotes relatively accurate.

New Year’s Eve in downtown Enumclaw isn’t especially uninhibited or crazy, unless things have changed a lot in the last few years. There’ll be free glasses of sparkling wine and a few horns, but no one gets very excited about the countdown.

However, if you’ve nothing better to do, drop around and make a toast or two; a toast to her, a second to him, a third to the New Year and perhaps a fourth toast just for the hell of it. Before long, nobody seems to know who’s paying for what or who’s consuming what, but there’s surely enough to go around.

That’s the way life should be.

And on that warm note, I’ll conclude this final column of the year. My best to all of you and may all your wildest dreams come true.

Happy New Year, everyone!