Hey, bicyclists!: Tomorrow is the last day to sign up for Tour de Pierce

Since 1990, bicyclists from all over the Northwest have participated in the annual Tour de Pierce bike ride. This year's June 24 event will include 12-, 30- and 50-mile marked routes. The 12-mile route is designed for families or for those new to biking.

Since 1990, bicyclists from all over the Northwest have participated in the annual Tour de Pierce bike ride. This year’s June 24 event will include 12-, 30- and 50-mile marked routes. The 12-mile route is designed for families or for those new to biking.

All routes include maps and cue sheets, a rest stop with refreshments, and restrooms. The ride starts and finishes at the Western Washington Fair Grounds Gold Parking lot, S Meridian & 9th Ave SE, Puyallup.

The pre-registration fee is $12 per person or $36 for a family of 4 from the same household when registering by June 8. Pre-ordered Sport Tek Competitor Tees are $15. For a registration form call 253-841-8515 or register online at http://www.co.pierce.wa.us/pc/abtus/ourorg/parks/tourdprc.htm .

For more information about Tour de Pierce, please visit http://www.co.pierce.wa.us/pc/abtus/ourorg/parks/tourdprc.htm