Interfering with construction | Bonney Lake Police Blotter

Officers were flagged down by a road painting truck driver on Aug. 8 reporting that a man was interfering with his equipment. Officers approached the man who was interfering with the equipment, who attempted to leave but staggered and fell before returning to his interference.

INTERFERING WITH CONSTRUCTION: Officers were flagged down by a road painting truck driver on Aug. 8 reporting that a man was interfering with his equipment. Officers approached the man who was interfering with the equipment, who attempted to leave but staggered and fell before returning to his interference. After the man failed to heed officer’s orders, officers attempted to escort him away from the equipment. After several attempts with backup, officers successfully removed the man from the equipment and handcuffed him. Officers determined the man’s level of intoxication would make booking him into jail difficult so he was transported to a local hospital. The man was cited for obstruction and disorderly conduct.

ROAD RAGE WITH GUN: Officers were alerted Aug. 8 to a report of a road rage incident on state Route 410 with one of the owners brandishing a handgun. Officers handcuffed the driver accused of showing his gun and asked for his account. He told officers he was driving from Sumner when the other vehicle was tailgating him, then passed rapidly and flipped him off. The man said he did not react, and denied having a gun on his person or in his car. Officers searched his car and did not find any weapons. Officers talked to the other driver, who admitted to tailgating the first driver and flipping him off, which was when the other driver supposedly showed off his gun. Because no firearm was found and the incident happened outside of Bonney Lake, no additional action was taken.