Local musicians give the scoop on the last 25 years of music in Washington

There’s no argument that Washington has made its mark on the landscape of the music industry in the past 25 years. Iconic groups such as Nirvana, Soundgarden, and Sleater-Kinney grew from local roots to national acclaim.

There’s no argument that Washington has made its mark on the landscape of the music industry in the past 25 years. Iconic groups such as Nirvana, Soundgarden, and Sleater-Kinney grew from local roots to national acclaim. As part of the celebration of Washington’s 125th Anniversary, several industry insiders from the local music community will give insight on how Washington has made an impact in the past 25 years.

From Metal Church to Macklemore, the presenters will share the stories and music that put Washington on the music map. Join us at 6pm on Thursday, July 31 at the State Capital Museum, 211 21st Ave SW, in Olympia for this kick-off to months of programming by the Washington State Historical Society in honor of the Quasquicentennial. This program has a $2 suggested donation.


Bruce Pavitt. Along with business partner Jonathan Poneman, Bruce Pavitt started the SUB POP record label in 1988. SUB POP has released recordings by Nirvana, Soundgarden, Mudhoney, Mark Lanegan, Beat Happening, and TAC, and introduced Seattle music to the world.

Calvin Johnson. Based in Olympia, Calvin’s work in underground culture started as a teenage fan volunteering at the local community radio station, KAOS-FM. He moved on to writing for fanzines, organizing music and film events, and playing music in various bands. Calvin established K, a locally oriented media outlet, in 1982.

Lois Maffeo. An American musician and writer who lives in Olympia, Lois Maffeo may have never achieved mainstream success, but she has been closely involved with many influential projects. She has served as theater manager of the Olympia Film society as well as serving on the Olympia Art Council.