Mayor’s Food Drive update | Bonney Lake Newsletter

The first annual Mayor’s Holiday Food Drive, sponsored by DM Disposal, resulted in the collection of three thousand nine hundred and twenty (3,920) pounds of food collected from 475 homes.

The first annual Mayor’s Holiday Food Drive, sponsored by DM Disposal, resulted in the collection of three thousand nine hundred and twenty (3,920) pounds of food collected from 475 homes.

DM also loaned one of their spare storage bins to the BL Food Bank so they would be able to store all of the donations until needed.

Some of the ideas for improving the drive for 2015 include involving the businesses of Bonney Lake to encourage their employees to bring food to work and then we’ll pick up on the designated day, and involving City employees in terms of having some drop bins at city buildings.

There also needs to be a group of volunteers that can help insert the cards and bags into some 5,700 envelopes.

Thanks to everyone who helped make this event a great success.