Metropolitan King County Council | April 7

Unanimously approved a motion acknowledging receipt of the report “Creating Connections: Recommendations on the Eastside Rail Corridor” from the Regional Advisory Council (Motion 2014-0103).

Monday, April 7, 2014

At today’s Council meeting, Councilmembers:

  • Unanimously approved a motion acknowledging receipt of the report “Creating Connections: Recommendations on the Eastside Rail Corridor” from the Regional Advisory Council (Motion 2014-0103).


Introduction of ordinances and motions for Committee action:

  • An ordinance authorizing an emergency jail housing agreement between King County and Pierce County (Ordinance 2014-0139).The ordinance was sent to the Law, Justice, Health and Human Services Committee for discussion and possible action.
  • An ordinance authorizing amendments to interlocal cooperation agreements for the disbursement of conservation futures tax levy funds (Ordinance 2014-0143). The ordinance was sent to the Transportation, Economy and Environment Committee for discussion and possible action.
  • A motion accepting the mental illness and drug dependency sixth annual report (Motion 2014-0149). The motion was sent to the Law, Justice, Health and Human Services Committee for discussion and possible action.


Monday, April 7, 2014


At today’s Council meeting, Councilmembers:

  • Unanimously approved a motion acknowledging receipt of the report “Creating Connections: Recommendations on the Eastside Rail Corridor” from the Regional Advisory Council (Motion 2014-0103).


Introduction of ordinances and motions for Committee action:

  • An ordinance authorizing an emergency jail housing agreement between King County and Pierce County (Ordinance 2014-0139).The ordinance was sent to the Law, Justice, Health and Human Services Committee for discussion and possible action.
  • An ordinance authorizing amendments to interlocal cooperation agreements for the disbursement of conservation futures tax levy funds (Ordinance 2014-0143). The ordinance was sent to the Transportation, Economy and Environment Committee for discussion and possible action.
  • A motion accepting the mental illness and drug dependency sixth annual report (Motion 2014-0149). The motion was sent to the Law, Justice, Health and Human Services Committee for discussion and possible action.