Metropolitan King County Council Monday, Nov 10, highlights

Unanimously approved an ordinance approving the financing plan for the acquisition of property interests in the Eastside Rail Corridor. (Ordinance 2014-0374).

Received public comment on the proposed 2015-2016 King County Budget (Ordinance 2014-0394). No action was taken on the ordinance, which remains in the Budget Committee.


  • Unanimously approved an ordinance approving the financing plan for the acquisition of property interests in the Eastside Rail Corridor. (Ordinance 2014-0374).
  • Held until December 8 an ordinance continuing a temporary use permit for homeless encampments (Ordinance 2014-0424).
  • Unanimously approved an ordinance relating to the county auditor, creating a permanent Metro transit audit function (Ordinance 2014-0426).
  • Unanimously approved a motion accepting a low-income fare program implementation plan (Motion 2014-0226).
  • Unanimously approved fee and levy ordinances that will help support the 2015-2016 King County budget, including:

o   An ordinance relating to the county property tax levies for collection in 2015 (Ordinance 2014-0403).

o   An ordinance relating to school impact fees (Ordinance 2014-0395).

o   An ordinance assuming governance of the King County ferry district (Ordinance 2014-0408)

o   An ordinance relating to fees, market rental rates or charges at the King County International Airport {Boeing Field} (Ordinance 2014-0397).