Now’s the time to say goodbye | Wally’s World

Well, friends, this is it. This will be our last weekly rendezvous. I’m gonna miss them.

Well, friends, this is it. This will be our last weekly rendezvous. I’m gonna miss them.

Alas, I have the vague feeling I’m starting to repeat myself, so it’s best to quit before the whole thing turns into an iron-anchor drag.

By and large, the “Wally’s World” experience has been quite enjoyable, so it’s with some misgivings and a rather heavy heart that I compose these final thoughts. The column has turned me into a mild hometown celebrity. Indeed, my “fame” has even spread well beyond Enumclaw; various columns have inspired compliments from total strangers in Los Angeles, Norfolk, Va., and St. Louis. (Though it may not be particularly beneficial to creative pursuits, it always feels good to have your ego stroked.)

In a few cases, I’ve taken a little flack for some of my rather unorthodox views, especially from this paper’s editor. Occasionally, people in the community have also taken me to task. But this was always welcomed. A little community dissension is healthy. A special thanks to readers who took the time to write letters or e-mail me or the Courier-Herald, whether pro or con.

I’m deeply indebted to everyone I’ve interviewed, many of whom didn’t receive any recognition in the columns. I’ve generally strived to keep my historical reports factual, though, from time to time, I may have taken the poetic license of stretching the truth a bit for the sake of literary style and humor. If my stories or foolishness have hurt anyone, I offer my humble apology and my assurances that such travesties were not intentional.

On a personal level, I’ve always felt it’s important to occasionally shake up your life. God knows, you don’t want to settle into a fixed, monotonous routine that lasts so long it becomes deadly. Literally.

I have some other projects I’m fooling with, but nothing definite or worth mentioning at this time.

At any rate, best of luck to everyone and I’ll see you around the streets and bars of Enumclaw.
