Peak season ferry rates effective May 1 | Pierce County

Peak season on the Pierce County ferry will bring changes to fare rates. Peak season runs May 1 to Sept. 30.

Peak season on the Pierce County ferry will bring changes to fare rates. Peak season runs May 1 to Sept. 30.

Riders should also be aware of several schedule changes that go into effect May 1 that will be in place year-round.

Peak season rates and schedule

Peak season fare rates start May 1 for Pierce County ferry passengers that drive a vehicle or motorcycle onto the ferry. Walk-on passenger rates are the same year-round, and bicycles can be walked on at no extra cost. Riders will not be able to use non-peak season tickets once peak season begins.

Passengers driving vehicles 21 feet in length or less will see their rates increase from the non-peak season rate of $17.30 to the peak season rate of $21.65, while passengers driving motorcycles will see an increase from $9.30 to $11.65. Rates for seniors or disabled drivers will increase from $14.40 to $18.10.

The five-trip Value Pass for vehicles 21 feet in length or less remains at $69.15, while the five-trip Value Pass for motorcycle commuters remains at $37.20.

Schedule changes

Several schedule changes that are effective May 1 were adopted by Pierce County with input from ferry riders in 2014. These changes apply year-round.

The Thursday run leaving Steilacoom at 8:40 p.m. will now operate year-round to allow ferry riders to attend after-school and other evening activities. This change was made possible by eliminating the Sunday run departing Steilacoom at 10 p.m., which has low ridership.

The first run Monday to Friday will no longer serve Ketron Island and will depart Anderson Island 15 minutes earlier at 6:15 a.m. to give commuters the ability to get to work sooner. The second run Monday to Friday departs Steilacoom 15 minutes earlier at 6:45 a.m., and a stop at Ketron Island will be added.

On the first and third Tuesday of the Month, the 10 a.m. run will travel from Steilacoom to Ketron Island to Anderson Island, rather than traveling from Steilacoom to Anderson Island to Ketron Island.

The Pierce County Ferry System provides service between the town of Steilacoom, Anderson Island and Ketron Island. Visit to view the ferry schedule and a full list of vehicle and motorcycle fares.