Pierce County residents can get oil help

Pierce County officials urge residents who use oil as a heat source to sign up for free pollution liability insurance offered by the state.

Pierce County officials urge residents who use oil as a heat source to sign up for free pollution liability insurance offered by the state. The county is teaming up with heating oil distributors to provide informational flyers about the free coverage offered by the Pollution Liability Insurance Agency.

When a heating oil tank leaks, the owner of the tank is liable for all damages and cleanup related to leaks, which generally is not covered by homeowner insurance. In some cases, leaks extend to our waterways and Puget Sound, resulting in expensive cleanup costs.

PLIA was created in response to the 1995 Heating Oil Pollution Liability Protection Act. The agency, funded by an excise tax on petroleum, provides pollution liability coverage for heating oil tanks used by Washington residents.

By signing up for free pollution liability insurance, heating oil users receive up to $60,000 in leak coverage for off-site clean-up. For more information or to sign up, call 1-800-822-3905 or visit www.plia.wa.gov.